What Determines Abortion Cost
Learn what you need to know to make a fully informed choice
your First Steps
If you are considering abortion, you may be looking for information on the cost of the abortion pill or the cost of an abortion procedure. At your first appointment, we can provide information on your options and provide you with free pregnancy testing. If the test is positive, an ultrasound can help you determine your next steps and give you the information you need to make an informed choice.
Abortion Pill Cost
The cost of a medication abortion is determined by several factors. Before you head to the abortion clinic, you need to find out how far along you are and if you are eligible for the abortion pill.
A medication abortion is an early termination method. Before taking the abortion pill, it is important to know if the pregnancy is viable and if it’s a single or multiple pregnancy. An estimated third of all pregnancies end naturally without abortion-inducing drugs.
abortion clinic procedure cost
There are many factors that determine the cost of a surgical abortion procedure, including but not limited to:
⁃ How far along you are
⁃ Single or multiple pregnancies
⁃ Type of abortion procedure
⁃ Health history and risks to the woman
A suction abortion, also known as vacuum aspiration, is typically performed between 5 and 12 weeks of pregnancy. A D&E is typically performed between 9-20 weeks although late-term abortions can also be performed via D&E.
We can answer these questions for you during your pregnancy confirmation appointment. You will also talk to a nurse about your health history, any potential risk factors, and learn more about what to expect during and after an abortion.
You can come here first. Make an appointment today.
Note: NBCOH and MCPS provide comprehensive information on abortions and pregnancy options. We do not perform or refer for termination services or financially benefit from any decision you make. We are not an abortion clinic and New Beginnings Center of Hope is not a medical facility. Pregnancy testing and ultrasound confirmation services are provided by My Choice Pregnancy Services.